"Upcoming court session on August 31"

August, 30, 2022

Newsletter edition # 006

What is the next Judicial Review proceedings date?

The Citizens’ Alliance of Nova Scotia (CANS) has its next Judicial Review court date on August 31st, in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in Yarmouth.


Where are we at?

CANS is still awaiting production of the record (evidence) which is key to understanding the Respondents' decisions to impose substantial, prolonged, life-altering restrictions and requirements on the people of Nova Scotia.


The Respondents are claiming to not understand CANS' request to see the evidence used to support the restrictions and mandates that were imposed and continue to be imposed on certain groups; they are insisting on further scope clarification. 

There has been lots of activity happening over the last few months however as the Respondents requested particulars (clarifying questions) and CANS provided detailed responses to help the Respondents have a clearer understanding of the parameters of the review.
Some of the key elements of the scope are for the Respondents to show what was known to support reasonable & probably grounds for the restrictions and mandates as well as to show that (consistent to section 2 of the Health Protection Act) they would only infringe on private rights necessary to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
The Respondents have filed a Mootness motion implying that the restrictions and mandates are over for everyone (when they are not) but did not file within the correct timeframe so Mootness cannot be dealt with on Aug 31. Furthermore CANS wrote to the court and stated the need to cross-examine the Respondents' witness for Mootness who is an associate deputy minister of health and who unfortunately is not available on August 31. While a new date (possibly October or November) will have to be scheduled to hear the Mootness motion, the opportunity to cross-examine the Respondents' witness cannot be passed up.


We are hoping to finally see a "Motion for Directions" which we have been waiting for and which will include an order to produce the Record. Once the Respondents' Record is filed with the Court, the presiding Justice will determine whether the Orders and protocols, particularly the "proof of COVID-19 vaccination" provisions, have been reasonable and lawful.


Stay tuned for further updates!

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Thank you for your continued support!


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